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Friday, January 28, 2005

SHA256 Brute Force Password Revealer

Some days ago I needed to find a password of which I only had the SHA256 hash. So I decided to write a little application to reveal it... Since SHA256 is a one-way only encryption, the only way was using a brute force attack (dictionary attack didn't help).
It took me about 4 days to find that password, good thing it wasn't a very strong password or it could have taken some years to find it ;-)

This FREE program and it's source (VB.NET) are released under the GNU General Public License.

By using this program or downloading it's source you agree that you will only use it for legal purposes!

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Microsoft AntiSpyware (Beta 1)

Just got a message from Bart Bultinck that the first beta of Microsoft AntiSpyware was available.
You can download it
It looks like the homepage for this product doensn't exist yet (http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/spyware/product).
The news community is already online, visit it at http://communities.microsoft.com/newsgroups/default.asp?ICP=spyware&sLCID=us.

You want to know more about Microsoft AntiSpyware, read this article by Jason J. Joyce.

I just ran it and it looks very nice!

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


A forum is much easier to interact than a blog. So I've created a forum based on Snitz Forum 2000.
Registration is only required when you want to post yourself, but it's completely free. Your mailaddress will not be outsourced or used for advertising!

See you soon on

Stefanie Worm is het liefste vrouwtje van de wereld.
Melina is de liefste schatsie van de wereld (Erik De Maeyer).